Check the mobile signal for all Irish networks with just one search

Mobile Signal Coverage data for the whole of Ireland
Our database contains mobile coverage information for eirMobile, Three and Vodafone.
Results show indoor and outdoor coverage for Voice calls, 3G data, 4G data and 5G data for every area in Ireland for each mobile network.
What is mobile coverage / signal checking?
Before signing up for a mobile provider you want to know whether you can get coverage where you live, work or anywhere else you are likely to want to use your phone.
You need to be checking the mobile coverage in your area. Our database allows you to check the mobile signal strength in any area for all of the mobile networks in just one search, rather than having to visit each supplier individually, saving you time and effort.
Who provides mobile coverage in Ireland?
There are three actual mobile networks in Ireland:
These companies actually build and own their own physical mobile phone network including things such as the mobile phone masts you see dotted around the country.
What other mobile providers are there?
What types of mobile coverage are there?
Voice - Voice coverage is the simplest kind of coverage available (technically known as 2G), it’s really only useful for making telephone calls and sending text messages. You might if you have a very strong signal and plenty of patience be able to download a simple email, it’s really not much use at all for doing anything that needs data.
3G - This was first introduced into the UK in the early 2000’s. 3G provides much better data speeds (also known as mobile broadband). 3G typically provides for maximum download speeds of 7.2Mbps which is pretty good.
4G - First introduced into the UK in 2012 4G provides a step change up in speeds when compared to previous generations. Download speeds of 150Mbps are theoretically possible and 75Mbps plus commonly reported by users in the UK. 4G rivals many fixed line broadband suppliers for pure download speed.
5G - The latest type of data connection - it's truly rapid, with speeds over 1Gbps. It's also still very new, so coverage is patchy at best. It has been rolled out in parts of large cities around the country, but you'll have to wait several years before it becomes common nationwide. The new iPhone 12 supports 5G.
Coverage can also vary significantly in some areas depending on whether you are indoors or outdoors, so our database contains information on both areas for every postcode.
What affects mobile signal coverage?
Mobile phone signal levels can be affected by a number of different things:
Your location - the further away you are from a mobile phone mast the weaker your signal will be, as the signal gets weaker this affects the signal quality which will reduce your data download speeds.
Your local environment - hills, buildings, being in a basement or underground will all affect your mobile signal.
Travelling - if you are in a car or train and moving fast you may find your signal will be affected as you move from strong signal areas to weak or no signal areas.
Your phone - some models of phones are just better at getting a signal than others, a phone with low battery can also affect the way your phone works depending on the model.
The Weather - believe it or not even the weather can interfere with your mobile signal, heavy rain and snow can degrade the signal temporarily.
How can I improve my mobile signal?
All is not lost if you find your signal is not great (or non-existent), try our following top tips to improve your mobile coverage:
Open a window - If you are inside just opening the nearest window, especially if it’s in the direction of your nearest mobile phone mast, can give you a boost in signal.
Get high up - As mobile signals require line of sight for the very best signal then getting yourself as high up as possible will improve your signal, if you are indoors then go to the top of your building, outdoors look for the highest piece of ground nearby.
Turn your phone off and on again - Your phone may not have connected to the nearest mast to you, by switching off your phone, or putting it in flight mode for a few moments, you will force your phone to reconnect to your network and this may put you on a closer mast with better signal.
Switch Networks - You may find (for example by using our postcode checker) that a different provider has better signal in your area. Switching to this supplier will give instant improvements in signal.
WiFi Calling - If you live in a really poor area for mobile signal but have a fixed line broadband supplier (or access to other WiFi) then most networks have apps you can download to your phone which allow you to make and receive calls over WiFi when you don’t have a mobile signal.
Mobile phone signal boosters - If you find that you can get signal in the garden but not indoors, or in one room of the house but not others, then you might find a signal booster to be the solution to your problems. These devices take the signal in the area that it’s available and then boosts it to widen its availability. We strongly recommend talking to your network provider when looking at this option as some of the third party signal boosters that you find for sale are illegal to use in the UK.
How do I check my mobile coverage?
The simplest way to check your mobile coverage is to pop your address in the search box at the top of this page, we’ll then be able to tell you what level of coverage you can expect in your area from all the Ireland’s network providers.
What these results mean
These results show what the mobile signal for each network should be in the postcode you've searched for.
We are confident that these results will be accurate, however sometimes signal conditions may vary slightly within a postcode.
Mobile phone signal levels can be affected by a number of different things:
Your location - the further away you are from a mobile phone mast the weaker your signal will be, as the signal gets weaker this affects the signal quality which will reduce your data download speeds.
Your local environment - hills, buildings, being in a basement or underground will all affect your mobile signal.
Travelling - if you are in a car or train and moving fast you may find your signal will be affected as you move from strong signal areas to weak or no signal areas.
Your phone - some models of phones are just better at getting a signal than others, a phone with low battery can also affect the way your phone works depending on the model.
The Weather - believe it or not even the weather can interfere with your mobile signal, heavy rain and snow can degrade the signal temporarily.
Before choosing a mobile supplier always check their own coverage checkers: